POEM: monkey mind

monkey mind “Matt, this is Chris.” “Chris, this is Danni. With an ‘i.’” “Danni, this is Nicole.” “I think we met at the book club.” “David, this is Stacy.” “Hi, these are my parents. They’re in         from Sweden.” “We’re here for 20 days.” “C.C., there are no eggs over there.” “Someone go tell C.C. that […]
Jason Crane

monkey mind

“Matt, this is Chris.”
“Chris, this is Danni. With an ‘i.’”
“Danni, this is Nicole.”
“I think we met at the book club.”
“David, this is Stacy.”
“Hi, these are my parents. They’re in
        from Sweden.”
“We’re here for 20 days.”
“C.C., there are no eggs over there.”
“Someone go tell C.C. that all the eggs
        are over here.”
“Honey, we hid them so we know
        where they are.”
“What time are you guys starting
        your Easter egg hunt?
        Because we were going to start
        around 11 and we don’t want
        to get in your way.”
“I think we just lost some of our eggs
        to the competition.”
“Kids, go to the doggie park. The
        doggie park. Go to the
        doggie park.”
“I think that guy is meditating.”
“Oh, that’s a good idea.”

8 April 2012
Prospect Park
Brooklyn, NY

It’s National Poetry Writing Month! A poem a day, each day in April. I meditated in Prospect Park today in what started as an empty field and became an Easter egg hunt.

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