The Hudson Valley Writers Guild supports writers of all genres with readings, workshops, contests, and resources for a vibrant literary community.
Three poems – “Jimi & Bessie in this Place,” “Miss Mary Digresses,” and “Joanne” – by jazz musician and poet Mike Rosler.
Three poems – “Saying Everything,” “Just For A While,” and “Dry” – by Boulder, Colorado poet Jean Krasnansky Thompson.
Four poems – “Inside Your Nerves,” “Divinity of You, America,” “The Senses of Progress,” and “A Look of a Child” – by award-winning poet, novelist, essayist, and multimedia artist David Dephy.
Three poems – “Critique Response,” “Aunt Mae – this is your sister,” and “Apnea” – by poet Tracy Duffy.
A short story of an affair between two married people who met on the Number 2 subway train in New York City.
Three poems – “Let This Be Blessing,” “Mother Tongue,” and “Specials Menu” – from Hudson Valley poet and fiber artist Liz Reilly.
As a member of the Hudson Valley Writers Guild you will be part of a community of writers supporting literary arts in the Capital Region and beyond.
The Hudson Valley Writers Guild supports the efforts of writers in all genres by sponsoring readings, workshops, and contests and providing a number of valuable resources for the entire literary community.