We had a great week of poetry and spoken word in Albany this week starting off with the Celebrity Roast of Don Levy on Monday at McGeary’s. Many local poets came out to celebrate Don and all that he has contributed to the community over the past 22 years.

Coming up this Tuesday is the Nitty Gritty Slam #3 at Valentines. We kicked off the series just one month ago and so far it has been an incredible night of poetry and spoken word. Dain Brammage and Mojavi have been working very hard with Dan Nester, Mary Panza, Keith Spencer, and Thom Francis to bring slam back to Albany and they have really brought their A-Game. Whether or not you are a “slammer”, it is a great opportunity to come out and see (and hear) some of the area’s finest spoken word talent.

Here is more of what we had going on this week on AlbanyPoets.com:

New Poetry – Dan Wilcox
Dan Wilcox is one of the hardest working retired men that we know. He runs two monthly events (“The Third Thursday Poetry Night” at the Social Justice Center and “Poetry + Prose” at the Arts Center

The COW (Chronogram Open Word) Series Continues with Cheryl A. Rice and Samuel Claiborne
The COW poetry / spoken word series in beautiful, crime-free downtown Kingston continues this coming Saturday, October 1 with featured readers Cheryl A. Rice and Samuel Claiborne.

The Memoir Office – A New Project by Daniel Nester
Our friend Daniel Nester recently set up shop at the Arts Center of the Capital Region in Troy for “The Memoir Project“.

BookMarks – The Memoir Project Reading Series – Call for Entries
Yesterday we talked about Dan Nester’s Memoir Office project and new eBook and today we have news from the good folks over at The Arts Center who have a call for entries going on right now.

Two Upcoming HVWG Events
The Hudson Valley Writers Guildhas two big events coming up in the next couple of weeks. This coming Sunday is their Writers Conference with a panel discussion on e-publishing. HVWG Writers Conference, October 2

Caffè Lena Poetry Open Mic with Featured Poet Todd Fabozzi
Local poet Todd Fabozzi will be the featured poet this Wednesday at the Caffe Lena Poetry Open Mic night at the historic Caffe Lena in Saratoga Springs.

Since we made changes to the website, be sure to update your News Feed subscription information to https://hvwg.org/feed/ so you can stay up to date on what is going on in the upstate poetry community.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/AlbanyPoets) and Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/AlbanyPoets) too.

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