The COW (Chronogram Open Word) Series Continues with Cheryl A. Rice and Samuel Claiborne

Cheryl A. Rice

Cheryl A. Rice

The COW poetry / spoken word series in beautiful, crime-free downtown Kingston continues this coming Saturday, October 1 with featured readers Cheryl A. Rice and Samuel Claiborne. There will also be an open mic for those who wish to share their own work. This series is hosted by Chronogram’s poetry editor Phillip Levine.

COW (Chronogram Open Word)
Spoken Word Series
First Saturday, Every Month

Cheryl Rice, Samuel Claiborne
Hosted By Poetry Editor Phillip X. Levine
Sat, Oct 1, 7pm
w/Wide Open Microphone & Free Drink

COW (Chronogram Open Word): Poetry/Prose/Performance is hosted by Chronogram’s poetry editor Phillip Levine, it runs on the first Saturday of every month at 7pm at the BEAhive (314 Wall St).

The series, produced by Chronogram and BEAHIVE, continues on Saturday, October 1st, 7pm with Cheryl Rice, Samuel Claiborne.

COW (Chronogram Open Word) — Featuring: Cheryl Rice, Samuel Claiborne
Saturday, Oct 1, 7pm


Cheryl RiceCheryl A. Rice’s work has appeared in Baltimore Review, Chronogram, Florida Review,  Home Planet News, Woodstock Times, Mangrove, Metroland, Poughkeepsie Journal, The Temple,  and in the anthologies Wildflowers, Vol. II (2002: Shivastan Publishing), Riverine (2007: Codhill Press) and For Enid, With Love (2010: NYQuarterly). She is the author of A Thousand Candy Vaginas: Poems 1989-1995 (1997, Palaver Press), Aleums (1999, Flying Monkey Press), Egypt (2001, Flying Monkey Press), Nobody Slept Last Night (2003, Another Poor Bastard Productions, CD), Auction (2004, Flying Monkey Press; 2nd edition 2010), Girl Poet (2007, Flying Monkey Productions, CD), Roses: three poems (2011, Flying Monkey Press), and Outside (2011, Flying Monkey Press). Founder and host of the Sylvia Plath Bake-Off, Rice  has held her RANDOM WRITING workshops throughout the Hudson Valley, where she has lived for over 30 years, after growing up on Long Island. Her poetry blog, Flying Monkey Productions, is at

Samuel Claiborne – Samuel Claiborne poet, photographer, video artist, essayist, composer.
2008 NYFA Fellow, Music Composition.
Political Commentator for WAMC Northeast Public Radio
Record Label:

BEAHIVE – 314 Wall St, Kingston, NY
Info: Phillip Levine — (845)246-8565 /
$5 / free for BEAHIVE members

All shows are held at BEAHIVE in Uptown Kingston (314 Wall St.). Doors open at 7pm; start time is 7:30. Features perform for approximately 20 to 25 mins. each, with open mic before and after. Cover charge is $5; free for BEAHIVE members. Drink included.

Phillip X. Levine is a poet, editor and performer. He is poetry editor for Chronogram and president of the Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival ( From 2001-2008, he hosted a popular weekly reading series at The Colony Cafe, one of the most storied venues for poets and musicians in Woodstock, NY. This OPEN WORD series is an evolution of The Colony series.

Chronogram ( is a free monthly magazine that nourishes and supports the creative and cultural life of the Hudson Valley. is a new kind of collaborative space for work and community. Its ultimate aim is to support a Local Living Economy, one that is locally rooted and human-scale. BEAHIVE opened in Beacon in May 2009 as the first such space in the Hudson Valley and partnered with Chronogram to open a second location in Uptown Kingston in December 2009.

Photo Credit: Keith Spencer

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