Hallie Ephron

Hallie Ephron

The Hudson Valley Writers Guildhas two big events coming up in the next couple of weeks. This coming Sunday is their Writers Conference with a panel discussion on e-publishing.

HVWG Writers Conference, October 2, 1:30 p.m.

The Hudson Valley Writers Guild will sponsor a free Writers Conference on Sunday, October 2, starting at 1:30PM at the East Greenbush Community Library, Community Way, East Greenbush, NY.  The conference will include a panel discussion on e-publishing and a writing workshop by award-winning novelist Hallie Ephron.  The program is free and open to the public.  However, pre-registration is encouraged and may be done by calling the Library at 518-477-7476.

The panelist for the discussion on e-publishing will be:  Susanne Alleyn, author of the Aristede Ravel series of historical mysteries set during the French Revolution; Gloria Waldron Hukle, author of three novels; Robyn Ringler, owner of East Line Books in Clifton Park; and Daniel Nester, author and professor of English at the College of St. Rose in Albany.  The panel moderator will be mystery writer M.E. Kemp.

The panel will be followed by a writing workshop lead by author Hallie Ephron (www.hallieephron.com) whose novels include Come and Find Me and the award-winning Never Tell a Lie, which was made into the film And Baby Will Fall. Her book Writing and Selling Your Mystery Novel was an Edgar Award finalist.

CONTACT: For more information, contact the East Greenbush Community Library at 518-477-7476, or the Hudson Valley Writers Guild, www.hvwg.org

And then on Saturday, October 15 the Community of Writers series continues with Jan Tramontano and Howard Kogan, who both have just released new books.

Albany Community of Writers, October 15, 2 p.m.

The Hudson Valley Writers Guild will host the annual Community of Writers reading at the Albany Public Library on Saturday, October 15, from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The program will be in the auditorium at the Library’s Main Branch, 161 Washington Avenue, Albany. The program will include a reading by the winners of the Hudson Valley Writers Guild non-fiction contest. One winner in each of three categories will read: humor, personal essay and memoir. There will also be an Honorable Mention awarded to a member of the HVWG whose entry is considered notable. Certificates and prizes will also be awarded at the reading.

Also reading will be Jan Tramontano from her recently published novel, Standing on the Corner of Lost and Found (CreateSpace), and Howard Kogan from his new book of poems, Indian Summer (Square Circle Press).

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