Area Announcements

Spring creative nonfiction workshop with Anique Taylor

Writers in the Mountains (WIM) will present its spring creative nonfiction workshop with Anique Taylor, February 9 to May 18. The class will be held Thursdays, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Pine Hill Community Center, Main Street, Pine Hill, NY.

NYS Writers Institute highlights upcoming season

All events are free and open to the public! For a complete schedule, see the Visiting Writers Series here:

Ekphrastic writing workshop starts February 6

Are you a writer with a strong interest in visual art? Or are you an artist wanting to enrich your connection with writing? Learn about ekphrastic writing: writing about another art form.

Sunday Four Poetry Open Mic to celebrate Howard Kogan book launch January 29

On Sunday, January 29, poets will gather at Old Songs to celebrate the launch of Howard Kogan’s new book, A Chill in the Air. The gig will begin at 3 p.m. with a toast to the bard and a treat or two to boot. There will be an open mic, but poets will be limited to one poem that focuses on the theme.