Call For Submissions: PANK Magazine
PANK Books, PANK Magazine is now publishing full-length books and chapbooks alongside their print annual magazine and quarterly online offerings.
PANK Books, PANK Magazine is now publishing full-length books and chapbooks alongside their print annual magazine and quarterly online offerings.
From sCrawl to Slam to conversations and workshops, there are plenty of ways for poets and soon to be poets (and storytellers!) to share their work during the 10th annual WordXWord Festival.
Share Your Work at the 10th Annual WordXWord Festival Read More »
Troy poet Nancy Klepsch will read from her work at the Third Thursday Poetry Night at the Social Justice Center on Central Avenue in Albany on Thursday, June 21.
Third Thursday Poetry Night Featuring Nancy Klepsch Read More »
Here’s a look at the poetry and spoken word readings, open mics, workshops, events, and slams in the region this week.
The Albany Poets Presents series of poetry, spoken word, and conversation continues on Wednesday, June 20 at Restaurant Navona with local poet, performer, and educator Elizabeth Gordon.
Poets and other citizens will gather on Thursday, May 31, 2018, at 6:00 PM in Albany’s Washington Park to celebrate the birthday of the quintessential American poet, Walt Whitman.
The Poets Speak Loud open mic series continues at McGeary’s in downtown Albany on Monday, June 25, with featured reader Carol Durant.
Here’s a look at the poetry and spoken word readings, open mics, workshops, events, and slams in the region this week.
Here’s a look at the poetry and spoken word readings, open mics, workshops, events, and slams in the region this week.
Three poems from Hudson Valley poet, writer, professional tarot card reader, and spiritual advisor, Paul James Caiden.
We have another great week of spoken word and poetry readings, open mics, events, and slams in the area as the 2018 Albany Word Fest comes to an end.
Three poems from Hudson Valley poet and songwriter Ralph Carusillo, whose first book, “The Grand Facade”, was published in March 2018.