Bernadette Mayer’s New Workshop Series

Bernadette Mayer

Bernadette Mayer

We posted about some upcoming workshops last week (here and here) and now we have some information on a new poetry workshop series offered by one of the great American poets, Bernadette Mayer, who we are very lucky to have in our area. Space is very limited, so if you are interested, register today.

Here are the details sent over from Alan Casline:

Bernadette Mayer will lead a new workshop series focused on a better understanding of the basics of poetry. Discussion will examine different poetic forms, sound, meter and rhyming. Speak about the end and beginning of the line. Suggest books you should have to aid in your writing. And also how to publish your poems.

Kevin Killian writing on Famous Poetry Workshops mentions Bernadette Mayer’s Poetry Project Workshop in NYC “that gave birth to all those exercises.” Locally, Bernadette has also been exercising and teaching poets who have taken advantage of poetry workshops held in her living room.
Now forming Bernadette Mayer’s new poetry writing workshop which will take place at her home in East Nassau, NY. The workshop will meet on five Saturdays: Oct. 13, Nov. 3, Dec. 1, Jan 5, Feb 2. Each meeting will take place between 2pm – 4pm. Mayer will facilitate a conducive atmosphere that will bring forth enhanced new poems from each of the participants. Total Cost: $60.00, including light refreshments

Bernadette Mayer (born May 12, 1945 in Brooklyn, NY ) is a poet and prose writer. In 1967 she received a BA from New School for Social Research. She has since edited the journal 0 TO 9 with Vito Acconci and the United Artists Press with Lewis Warsh, and worked as Director of St. Mark’s Poetry Project. Her new book Helens of Troy is a Spring 2012 release by New Directions. For more than a decade she and poet Phil Good has lived in East Nassau. From the beginning of this series of workshops in September 2011, she has provided an expansive menu of poetic technique and belief as well as her careful listening to an appreciative core of workshop participants many of whom continue to attend each new session.

Workshop is limited to eight participants.

Contact: By e-mail contact Alan Casline (ACASLINE@AOL.COM) to reserve your place. The mailing address if e-mail is not available is Rootdrinker, P.O. Box 522, Delmar, NY 12054. Ask Alan about available scholarships.

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