POEM: where I’m loving Brooklyn

where I’m loving Brooklyn “I’m having one of those days where I’m loving Brooklyn so much” we were walking down 5th Ave when she said it, bellies full of sushi noses full of blooming magnolias (we thought the plant on our window sill was a lilac but it wasn’t) “and you” she added, holding my […]
Jason Crane

where I’m loving Brooklyn

“I’m having one of those days
where I’m loving Brooklyn so much”
we were walking down 5th Ave
when she said it, bellies full of sushi
noses full of blooming magnolias

(we thought the plant on our
window sill was a lilac but it wasn’t)

“and you” she added, holding my arm
the way you see in picture books
of the early 1900s, when the women
carried parasols & the men wore boaters
& white shoes & striped jackets

(it turned out to be a hyacinth)

these days Brooklyn feels like an ocean
our room an island floating in it
the bed our lean-to under the palm trees
where we write messages on the pages of books
slip them into bottles / cast them into the sea

(it didn’t matter to us at all)

20 April 2012
Brooklyn NY

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It’s National Poetry Writing Month! A poem a day, each day in April.

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