This week saw the return on slam to Albany as Albany Poets, Urban Guerilla Theatre, and the Frequency North Reading Series combined forces for the Nitty Gritty Slam. The first in the bi-monthly event series saw Tammy Lopez walk away with the top prize. Shannon Shoemaker came in a very close second and Algorythm came in third.

It was a very exciting evening as poets and spectators jammed into Valentines for the open mic and slam itself. Hosts Dain Brammage and Mojavi did a great job keeping the audience entertained and the talent in line. We will back at Valentines for the next Nitty Gritty Slam on Tuesday, September 20.

This coming Monday, we are going to be at Professor Java’s for the Wide Open Mic for poetry, music, comedy, and spoken word, hosted by Keith Spencer. Then on Saturday at the NYS Museum Albany Poets is proud to be part of the Living Walls event with many local poets taking the stage and sharing their work.

Here is some more of what we covered on this week:

New Poetry – Don Levy
Don Levy has been a part of the local poetry community since the old QE2 days. He has been a fixture and one of the most recognizable faces in the local arts scene.

Two Upcoming Poetry Readings in the Hudson Valley
There are two big readings going on in the Hudson Valley in the next couple of weeks.

New Audio – Poets Speak Loud, July 25, 2011
Bless was the featured poet for the July edition of Poets Speak Loud. He performed a couple of his pieces and then handed the mic to a new poet to the area, Ben Golden.

“From The World’s Largest Collection of Photos of Unknown Poets” at the Arts Center
You have probably seen him at open mics taking pictures and jotting down notes for many years. Local poet and photographer Dan Wilcox will have his work on display at The Arts Center of the Capital Region.

New Poetry – R.M. Engelhardt
As part of rolling out the new website, we are inviting the poets on the site to send us some new work that we can post.

[VIDEO] Villanelle For Lilly by Tess Lecuyer
Here is Tess Lecuyer reading her “Villanelle For Lilly” at the Poets Speak Loud open mic at McGeary’s in 2010.

Since we made changes to the website, be sure to update your News Feed subscription information to so you can stay up to date on what is going on in the upstate poetry community.

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