R.M. Engelhardt

Mary Panza and Molly Frances

Poets Speak Loud, July 29

Back at McGeary’s with our hosts, Mary Panza and Molly, and a hard-core of community poets for the open mic and featured poet, Brian Dorn.

Thom Francis

WordFest 2013, Day 6: Open Mic, April 19

Way back in ancient times (i.e., 12 years ago) when Word Fest started, it was just a stumbing toddler in Thatcher Park in the Fall, a grand open mic of

School of Night

The School of Night is Back in Session

On Tuesday we told you about the upcoming Frequency North reading on April 11 and how Thursday nights are very busy in the poetry world here in Albany. Well, there

Poets Speak Loud!, March 24

Mary Panza put on her sexy high-heels, then made sure we noticed, as we gathered in the Back Room of McGeary’s, chasing out the interlopers on their way to the Palace Theater movie or the Capital Rep. Hey, all the theater was here! The featured poet,…