Upcoming Poetry Events – Week of July 1, 2012
This was a great week for Albany Poets as we held our first in what we hope to be many live broadcasts of Poets Speak Loud at McGeary’s with featured
This was a great week for Albany Poets as we held our first in what we hope to be many live broadcasts of Poets Speak Loud at McGeary’s with featured
The “Dean of Albany Poetry” Dan Wilcox just released information on the Poets In The Park series for this year. The Poets In The Park reading series has been bringing
In the midst of the weekend of parades, Mall sales, & backyard cookouts poets showed up to read their work & listen to others & then … but I’ll leave that for the end. So Mike Burke served as MC then Edie Abrams took over introducing the…
Back on our regular day, the 2nd Sunday, at the Arts Center in Troy, me & Nancy Klepsch your hosts. It being Mothers’ Day there were some pieces on that theme, but in general a wide-ranging open mic like we are used to.No one signed up in the firs…
The confusion over when this was to be held wasn’t an “April Fools” joke: this open mic is (usually) held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at the Arts Center of the Capital Region, in Troy, NY. But this year Easter falls on the 2nd Sunday, so this was…
The second Sunday at 2 reading at the Arts Center of the Capital District in Troy, NY, with tag-team hosts Nancy Klepsch & me, Dan Wilcox. It was an eclectic mix of writers (which, of course, was the intent when the Arts Center started this open m…
There is a very busy poetry community in Voorheesville and below is some information on the next Sunday Four Poetry Open Mic with featured poet Ron Pavoldi and the upcoming
The Hudson Valley Writers Guildhas two big events coming up in the next couple of weeks. This coming Sunday is their Writers Conference with a panel discussion on e-publishing. HVWG
The Hudson Valley Writers Guild supports the efforts of writers in all genres by sponsoring readings, workshops, and contests and providing a number of valuable resources for the entire literary community.