George Wallace

Janine Pommy Vega

3rd Annual Janine Pommy Vega Poetry Festival

The annual Janine Pommy Vega Poetry Festival featuring Pamela Twining, Charles Plymell, George Wallace, Andy Clausen, and more reading the poems of Janine Pommy Vega.

George Wallace

Third Thursday Poetry Night, August 16

at the Social Justice Center, with the tour bus circling the block looking for a parking space, we had enough poets to begin & few enough to read 2 poems each (if you wanted to). Our muse for the night, in honor of our featured poet, George Wallac…

George Wallace

Third Thursday Poetry Night Featuring Poet George Wallace

Tomorrow night, August 16, 2012 (7:00 sign up; 7:30 start), the Poetry Motel Foundation presents the Third Thursday Poetry Night at the Social Justice Center, 33 Central Ave., Albany, NY with an open mic