“Spirit in Nature,” Cauldron of Crones Poetry Troupe at Golden Leaf Bookshop
“Spirit in Nature” Art Opening, Poetry Reading and Open Mic at Golden Leaf Bookshop in Waterford, NY
Join A Cauldron of Crones for poetry, art and conversation at Golden Leaf Bookshop, a local hub for ideas and camaraderie. Rhonda Rosenheck, Judith Prest, Carol Graser and Nancy Klepsch write poems that are visual, musical, truth-telling and evocative. Judith Prest’s soulful collages, photography and paintings vibrate with spirit. Artwork and books for sale and signing. Open mic included. Light refreshments.
Carol Graser is a published poet and emcee of Caffè Lena’s famous Poetry Open Mic.
Nancy Klepsch is a published poet and co-host of Second Sunday at Two Poetry Open Mic.
Judith Prest is a published poet, photographer, mixed-media artist, creativity coach, and co-host of Moon & River Café Poetry Circle.
Rhonda Rosenheck is a published poet and humorist, and co-host of Moon & River Café Poetry Circle.