Ed Rinaldi

Ed Rinaldi

Poem A Day – Ed Rinaldi – a satyr spied a dryad

We bring National Poetry Month 2012 to a close with Ed Rinaldi’s latest on his quest to write a Poem A Day for the entire year. Thank you to everyone who submitted their work for our Poetry Month project.

Poem A Day – Ed Rinaldi – press this city to begin

press this city to beginportal scented rapturesomewhere I rememberthe smell of rusted Sun in the alleysoft clay, oiled with combustible churnbuilt upon, torn downand built upon againghosts of horses carry the burden as I teem with a madness manifested …

Ed Rinaldi at the 2012 Albany Word Fest Open Mic

Poem A Day – Ed Rinaldi – spoken words

Ed Rinaldi is back talking about the power of poetry and the words written on the page with his newest poem “spoken words”. If you are keeping track at home, this is Ed’s 140th poem of the year so far.

Ed Rinaldi and Dain Brammage

Poem A Day – Ed Rinaldi – Yeah, I said

Ed Rinaldi is back with his continuing effort to write not just a poem a day for National Poetry Month, but for the entire year. This is poem 134, so it looks like he is ahead of schedule a bit.

Poem A Day – Ed Rinaldi – the ripple boundary

the ripple boundaryinsects will figure out the hive triggersthat feed on our imbalancesand this will give thema quantum computationalpower of survival amidstthe strewn litter of our disregard for being part of something larger than ourselves we might b…

Poem A Day – Ed Rinaldi – the crumble wall of my Jericho

the crumble wall of my Jerichoclear sky wideApril swing genitalslong armed treesbleed distilled frenzy in cyclical symphoniesthis is Spring from the bird trills to the flower trumpets that herald Persephone’s return to Demeterchildren garden inten…

Poem A Day – Ed Rinaldi – mother bird told me to go

mother bird told me to go I was kicked out of my house when I was 14truth is I waskicked out of her heart long before that she wouldn’t answer any questionsor let me leave without conditionsthat made renditional recall a somethingwithout believi…