Upcoming Literary Events: August 31 – September 6, 2023

Another great week of literary events in the area as we step into September, so get out and support the arts!

Another great week of literary events in the area as we step into September, so get out and support the arts! Here’s a quick look at the events, book discussions, readings, open mics, and workshops coming up.


Thursday, August 31

10:30 AM – Book Club @ Schenectady Public Library – Glenville Branch
Join the Glenville Book Club for a discussion of “The Rose Code” by Kate Quinn. New book club members are always welcome. Request a copy of the books online or at any SCPL location.

6:30 PM – Open Mic Poetry Night @ Inquiring Mind Bookstore & Cafe
Calling every poet and admirer of poetry alike: Inquiring Minds is bringing back poetry night on the last Thursday of every month, hosted by Laura Ludwig, a celebrated local poet, screenwriter, actress, and producer! We encourage poets of all skill levels to sign up for a four-minute slot to share original (published or unpublished) poetry, fiction, or prose.


Friday, September 1

9:00 AM – Early Literacy Storytime! @ Troy Public Library
Kids ages 0-5 are welcome to this early literacy story.

10:30 AM – Storytime @ Waterford Public Library
Open to kids of all ages, but geared towards 2-5 year old’s. No registration required. Storytime consists of 2-3 stories and a related craft. 

6:00 PM – S.T. Haggerty – “Norman Rockwell’s Models – In and Out of the Studio” @ Northshire Manchester
Author S.T. Haggerty will discuss his new book. In 1940, America’s favorite illustrator Norman Rockwell, his wife Mary and their three sons moved to the picturesque rural village of West Arlington, Vermont. The artist discovered a treasure trove of models. Norman Rockwell’s Models features non-fiction narratives telling the story of these folks during an era when they helped the war effort, farmed with horses, and received home visits from doctors. The book also describes the challenges the models faced in their own lives and how these affected their expressions in the paintings. The author will discuss these models’ lives, friendships with the artist, and experiences in his studio.

6:30 PM – Calling All Poets Series
CAPS is monthly poetry series with featured poets Jim Eve, Amanda Russell, and Ron Bremner reading new and selected works. A two-poem open mic follows. 

7:30 PM – Cafe Euphoria Open Mic & Slam
A laid-back open mic and fun slam at a cafe founded and run by trans and gender non-conforming folks. 


Saturday, September 2

10:00 AM – Tonia Shoumatoff – “Historic Tales of the Harlem Valley” @ The Millbrook Farmer’s Market
Join author Tonia Shoumatoff at the Millbrook Farmer’s Market for casual conversation and signed books. New York’s Harlem Valley, with the last stops on the Metro-North train line from Manhattan, has an incredibly eclectic history for a predominantly agricultural region.


Tuesday, September 5

12:15 PM – FFAPL Tuesday Book Review: Two photography books: “Uncommon Places” by Stephen Shore & “Empire” by Martin Hyers & William Mebane @ Albany Public Library – Washington Ave. Branch
Please join the FFAPL for a review of two photography books:  “Uncommon Places” by Stephen Shore & “Empire” by Martin Hyers & William Mebane, reviewed by David Brickman, exhibiting photographer, art critic, & FFAPL treasurer. The Friends and Foundation of Albany Public Library hosts regular book reviews, author talks, and special presentations.

5:30 PM – Adult Mystery Book Discussion @ Troy Public Library – Lansingburgh Branch
Join this evening book group as we explore mystery fiction as chosen by the group. Meets on the first Tuesday of each month. No registration is necessary. September book discussion “The Broken Girls” by Simone St. James; request it here.

6:00 PM – Writers Night Out @ Forbes Library
Join the Straw Dog Writers Guild for Writers Night Out with featured writer Howie Faerstein at Forbes Library. No registration required. If you want to participate in Open Mic and read, please sign up by 5:50pm. Ten names will be randomly selected. Each reader will have five minutes. The second half of the evening showcases our Featured Reader.

7:30 PM – Rodrigo García: A Son Remembers Gabriel García Márquez @ University at Albany
Rodrigo García presents “A Farewell to Gabo and Mercedes” (2021), a memoir of his late parents— Gabriel García Márquez, a Colombian fiction writer whose work changed the face of world literature, and his wife of more than 50 years, Mercedes Barcha Pardo


Wednesday, September 6

5:45 PM – Writers Group @ Schenectady Public Library – Central Branch
Whether you’ve been doing it forever or just starting out, bring your written words to this volunteer run community group and receive feedback from fellow wordsmiths as time permits.

6:00 PM – Poetry and Creative Writer’s Society @ Middleburgh Library
Middleburgh Library is proud to present its latest program for lovers of the written word.

6:45 PM – Fiction Book Discussion @ Voorheesville Public Library
“Animal Farm” by George Orwell, a satire on totalitarianism in which farm animals overthrow their human owner and set up their own government. This program is subsidized by the Friends of the Library. A limited number of copies will be available in print for $5.00. There will also be library copies and digital formats available. 

7:00 PM – Caffe Lena Poetry Open Mic Featuring Rebecca Schumejda @ Caffe Lena
The Caffe Lena poetry open mic series, hosted by Carol Graser, continues with featured poet Rebecca Schumejda.


Did we miss anything? Let us know at info@hvwg.org, and be sure to check out https://hvwg.org to find out more about our vibrant literary and arts community.

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