Upcoming Poetry Events – Week of April 11, 2021

A look at some of the events, readings, open mics, and workshops coming up this week in the region starting on Sunday, April 11.

Poetry events have been happening all throughout the pandemic, though mostly online. As we move closer to reopening venues to larger capacities and the warmer weather allowing outdoor activities some events are moving offline!

Either way, there is a lot going on in the local literary, poetry, and spoken word community. Here is a look at some of the events, readings, open mics, and workshops coming up this week in the region.


Sunday, April 11

2:00 pm – 2nd Sunday @ 2 – Poetry + Prose
An open mic for writers of poetry & prose on the 2nd Sunday of each month currently online (formerly The Arts Center of The Capital Region), hosted by Nancy Klepsch & Dan Wilcox.


Monday, April 12

7:00 pm – Poetic Vibe
Poetic Vibe is a weekly open mic for poetry and spoken word, hosted by D. Colin, with featured local and regional poets


Tuesday, April 13

7:00 pm – Club Helsinki Open Mic
Every Tuesday Night Cameron Melville and Ryder Cooley host a Virtual Open Mic Night featuring music, poetry, comedy, interviews, performance art, and more!

7:00 pm – 2nd Tuesday Open Mic
All-genre open mic out of Bennington hosted by Charlie Rossiter.


Wednesday, April 14

7:30 pm – Poetry Open Mic
Spring! Let’s Zoom together on Wednesday, April 14 at 7:30. Bring poetry or short prose to share at the open mic, or settle back and listen.

Thursday, April 15

7:00 pm – CAPS Be the Feature Open Mic
CAPS Be the Feature Open Mic is always a fluid evening. Maybe participants read 6 poems. Maybe 5. Maybe 3. Maybe 2…

7:45 pm – The Nick Bisanz Show
Every Thursday night Nick Bisanz, Geo Doody, and guest musicians, poets, artists perform LIVE from Nick’s living room to yours.


Saturday, April 17

4:30 pm – St. Rocco’s with Leza Cantoral, Rone Shavers, Christoph Paul, and Brett Petersen
St. Rocco’s Reading for the Dispossessed for April 2021 with Leza Cantoral, Rone Shavers, Christoph Paul, and Brett Petersen at People’s Park.



[su_note note_color=”#F1F1F1″ radius=”0″]If you would like to have your poetry event listed on the Albany Poets Events Calendar, click here and fill out the form to submit your event.[/su_note]



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