Poets Speak Loud Featuring Christa DeMarco

The Poets Speak Loud open mic series continues at McGeary’s in downtown Albany on Monday, February 25, with featured reader Christa DeMarco.
Christa DeMarco

The Poets Speak Loud open mic series continues at McGeary’s in downtown Albany on Monday, February 25, with featured reader Christa DeMarco.

Christa DeMarco has been writing since she was ten. In high school, she found her love for poetry, and after attending Brass Tacks and Poetic Vibes her voice for it. Her influences are life, personal experience, and her insatiable need to question everything. She hales from the small town of Broadalbin, NY, but currently lives in Colonie, NY, with her husband, David, and their perpetual puppy, Duke. By night a poet, by day a home health aid.


About PSL

Poets Speak Loud is Albany Poets’ long-running monthly open mic for poetry and spoken word with a featured poet hosted by local poet Mary Panza at McGeary’s (4 Clinton Square) in downtown Albany on the last Monday of each and every month.

Sign-up for the open mic is 7:00 pm, we start at 8 pm.


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