Poets Speak Loud Featuring Karen Fabiane

The Poets Speak Loud open mic series is ending the long, hot summer at McGeary’s on Monday, August 29, with featured reader Karen Fabiane.
Karen Fabiane

Karen Fabiane

The Poets Speak Loud open mic series is ending the long, hot summer at McGeary’s on Monday, August 29, with featured reader Karen Fabiane.

Karen Fabiane was born in 1949 in NYC and grew up on Long Island.  Under a different name, she was part of the Manhattan downtown scene during the 1970s, making music, writing & performing poetry, and painting.  Her work has been published in 2, Bound, Coal, Delaware County Times, Home Planet News, Newsletter Inago, MisFit, MomowareNew Voices, OM, Poetry Motel, RagShock, Salonika, Title I, Torture House USA, and four different anthologies released by Bright Hill Press, which also published her book, Dancing Bears, in 2011; a 2nd book, Seeing You Again, was published by Grey Book Press in 2014.  Her paintings have been exhibited in Seattle, New York City, Washington, DC, and the Capital District of New York (Albany environs) since 1978.  Karen recently won a Special Founder’s Award in the Stephen A. DiBiase Poetry Competition (2016), for her poem “Now, morning …”.  Moved from Brooklyn to Delaware County (NY) in 1989, she currently lives in Troy.



Poets Speak Loud is Albany Poets’ long-running monthly open mic for poetry and spoken word with a featured poet hosted by local poet Mary Panza at McGeary’s (4 Clinton Square) in downtown Albany on the last Monday of each and every month.

Sign-up for the open mic is 7:00pm, we start around 8pm.


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