Nitty Gritty Slam #60 – Annual Airing of Grievances and Feats of Strength

We are back at Valentine’s for the final slam of 2013 & we’re celebrating the holiday season the only way we know how, with the Airing of Grievances!


We are back at Valentine’s on Tuesday, December 17 for the final Nitty Gritty Slam of 2013. We are celebrating the holiday season the only way we know how, with the Airing of Grievances!

Join us for NGS #60 as we bring holiday cheer to the stage and try to get some things off our chest at the same time. Whatever is on your mind is fair game. Politics, love, money, family, that guy at the other end of the bar that has been giving you a “look” since you walked in…you get the idea.

The second half of the season is off to a great start after the Dead Poet Slam which saw a surprising win from Avery, placing him on top of the leader board as we head towards our second Semi-Final. Who will step up, show off their feats of strength and wrestle the first place spot away from Avery?

The road to NPS 2014 has begun and there is still time to get on board.
Albany Poets, Urban Guerilla Theatre, and The Frequency North Reading Series have brought slam back to Albany with the Nitty Gritty Slam.

NGS takes place at Valentine’s (17 New Scotland Ave.) on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday’s of each month.

If you’re not into slam, but want to get on stage and share your work, we have an open mic before the slam.

Sign up begins at 7:00pm, open mic starts at 7:30, and then Thom Francis starts the slam at 8:00pm.

Admission is $5.00 ($3.00 with student ID). This is an 18+ show.

For information on the rules and format of the Nitty Gritty Slam and to meet the team, go to

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