Nitty Gritty Slam #40 Featuring Jared Paul – March 19, 2013


We don’t always have featured poets at Nitty Gritty Slam, but when we do, we like to bring in some of the most dynamic and powerful performers that we can find. So far this season we have welcomed John Survivor BlakeMeg WaldronRobyn BatemanInfluence, and McPherson. For NGS #40 activist, educator, poet, musician Jared Paul is coming into town and we are honored to have him as our featured performer.

Jared performed in Albany twice last year (in April at the Hudson River Coffee House and again in September at the SJC) and is no stranger to the slam stage. He is a two time Individual World Poetry Slam Finalist and 8 time slam caoch for the  Providence National Youth Poetry Slam Team.


Having toured internationally in over 200 cities throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe alongside legendary poets, musicians, journalists, and speakers such as Saul Williams, Amy Goodman, Sage Francis, Raine Maida (of Our Lady Peace), Paul Hawken, Jello Biafra, Immortal Technique, Anti-Flag, The Misfits and many others, Jared is widely recognized as one of the premiere performance poets in the world. His work has been featured on the Canadian Broadcast Company program “Zed TV,” as well as in CMJ Magazine and The Providence Journal. Jared is a two time Individual World Poetry Slam Finalist and was a featured poet at the Greenbuild 2007 International Conference & Expo. He was a guest performer for the Post Secret national book tour, and the headlining act for the 2009 Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach grand opening at the nationally acclaimed Villa Stuck gallery in Munich, Germany.


With over a decade of anti-war/animal rights/environmental protection organizing and a storied career laden with protest arrests, Jared Paul has become somewhat of a modern folk hero within the underground American counter-culture. His most notable run-in with the law happened during the 2008 Republican National Convention, where Jared was the victim of a mass arbitrary arrest. Fans and supporters jumped to action, creating a fundraiser via, from which an attorney was hired and the case was eventually dropped. His “Conspiracy To Riot” creative non-fiction series was published by the quarterly Providence periodical “The Agenda” and Strange Famous Records.


Jared is the founder and 8 time coach of the Providence National Youth Poetry Slam Team, assisting and encouraging Rhode Island youth to seize the reins of performance art since 2001. Under Jared’s direction Team Providence advanced to finals stage at The Brave New Voices International Youth Poetry Festival in 2004, 2006 and 2007. Jared has facilitated performance poetry and direct action workshops at festivals, conferences, universities, prep schools, youth correctional facilities, public schools, and writer’s groups across America.

And if that is not enough to get you out to Valentine’s, the Open Slam is back on the 19th and all the points count. This is the last slam before the next semi-final and the points leader board is getting tighter. Right now Christopher The Poet and Algorhythm are battling it out for the top spot

This is going to be a great night of poetry as we get closer to the next semi-final coming up on April 2 at NGS #41.

Albany Poets, Urban Guerilla Theatre, and The Frequency North Reading Series are bringing slam back to Albany with the Nitty Gritty Slam.

Last year a slam team from Albany, representing Nitty Gritty Slam, went to the National Poetry Slam in Charlotte, NC. This year, a new team will be heading to Boston to show the rest of the country the amazing talent that lives right here in Albany, NY.

NGS takes place at Valentine’s (17 New Scotland Ave.) on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday’s of each month.

If you’re not into slam, but want to get on stage and share your work, we have an open mic before the slam hosted by slam coach Mojavi.

Sign up begins at 7PM, open mic starts at 7:30, and the slam starts at 8PM.

Admission is $5.00 ($3.00 with student ID). This is an 18+ show.

For information on the rules and format of the Nitty Gritty Slam and to meet the team, go to

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