Poetry at Paul Smith’s Featuring Jon Sands, Jeanann Verlee, and Jamaal May

Poems At Paul Smiths 2012

Poems At Paul Smiths 2012

For the second year in a row, Paul Smith’s College will be holding a special poetry reading with three very dynamic poets on Thursday, November 15 at 7:00PM. This year the program is featuring Jon Sands (who was just in town a couple of months ago at the Arts Center), Jeanann Verlee (who we met at NPS in Charlotte and was part of the recent WxW Festival in Pittsfield), and Jamaal May (an awesome poet who we have yet to meet).

Here is the information from the Adirondack Center for Writing and Paul Smith’s College:

Three spoken word poets are coming to Paul Smith’s College for their second annual reading in collaboration with the PSC First Year Seminar and ACW. These poets are high energy, genre bending and guaranteed to change your opinions about poetry. Jon Sands, Jeanann Verlee and Jamaal May will perform in Freer Hall at 7 PM. The reading is FREE and Open to the Public.

Jon Sands is a Brooklyn based author known for electrifying readings. He wrote, The New Clean, released in 2011 from Write Bloody Publishing, and starred in the award winning 2011 web-series “Verse: A Murder Mystery” from Rattapallax Films. He is Director of Poetry Education at the Positive Health Project (a syringe exchange center located in Midtown Manhattan), an adjunct with the City University of New York, as well as a Youth Mentor with Urban Word-NYC. He’s represented New York City multiple times at the National Poetry Slam, tours extensively, both nationally and internationally, and makes better tuna salad than anyone you know.

Jeanann Verlee is an author, performance poet, editor, activist and former punk rocker who collects tattoos and winks at boys. Her work has been published and is forthcoming in a variety of journals, including The New York QuarterlyRattleFRiGGkill author, and PANK, among others. She has performed and facilitated workshops at schools, theatres, bookstores, dive bars and poetry venues across North America. She lives in New York City with her best pal (a rescue pup named Callisto) and a pair of origami lovebirds. She believes in you.

Jamaal May is the author of Hum (Alice James Books 2013), winner of the 2012 Beatrice Hawley Award, as well as two poetry chapbooks (The God Engine, 2009 and The Whetting of Teeth, 2012). His work has appeared or is forthcoming in New England ReviewMichigan Quarterly ReviewCallalooIndiana Review, Blackbird and Verse Daily among other journals, magazines, and anthologies. He has appeared on radio, television, and in documentaries such as “A Poet in Every Classroom” and “Televising a Revolution,” jury prize winner at the 2010 Trinity Film Festival.

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