Upcoming Poetry Events – Week of September 23, 2012



We are at the end of another great week of poetry and spoken word here in Albany. On Tuesday, we had new poets come out and compete at Nitty Gritty Slam #26 with a some new faces walking away with the prize money at the end of the night. We are now looking forward to NGS #27 with featured poet John Blake on October 2. But before that, we have even more poetry coming up this week starting with the new season of the Sunday Four Open Mic series in Voorheesville with featured poet Suzanne Cleary.

Sunday, September 23

3:00pm – Sunday Four Poetry Open Mic
Old Songs Community Center, 37 South Main Street, Voorheesville
Open Mic for poets and poetry with a featured poet Suzanne Cleary hosted by Dennis Sullivan, Mike Burke, and Edie Abrams


Monday, September 24

7:30pm – Poets Speak Loud
McGeary’s, 4 Clinton Square, Albany, NY
Poets Speak Loud is a monthly open mic for poetry and spoken word with a featured poet hosted by local poet Mary Panza at McGeary’s in downtown Albanyon the last Monday of the month. Sign-up for the open mic is 7:00pm, we start around 8pm. This month instead of a featured poet we will be having the Poets Speak Loud Celebrity Roast of Thom Francis.

8:00pm – Club Harmony
Wok ‘N Roll Cafe, 52 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock, NY
Weekly poetry open mic with featured reader hosted by Michael Platsky.


Tuesday, September 25

7:00pm – Emack and Bolio’s Open Mic Night
Emack & Bolio’s, Delaware Ave., Albany, NY
A weekly open mic for music and poetry


Wednesday, September 26

8:00pm – Pauly’s Hotel Open Mic Night
Pauly’s Hotel, 337 Central Ave., Albany, NY
Poetry, Music, Comedy and more take center stage at Pauly’s weekly Open Mic Night hosted by Keith Spencer.


Thursday, September 27

7:00pm – Rockhill Bakehouse Open Mic
Rockhill Bakehouse Cafe, 19 Exchange Street, Glens Falls, NY
Weekly open mic for musicians and writers

7:00pm – Word Thursdays
Bright Hill Center, 94 Church St., Treadwell
Open mic with featured poets Mary Mafoske and Sunil Yapa hosted by Bertha Rogers

8:00pm – The Safe Haven
The Book Club, 153 S. Pearl Street., Albany, NY
A positive poetry open mic series hosted by Poetyc Visionz with a new theme every week. $5.00 donation requested.

8:00pm – Starving Artist Thursdays
Hudson River Coffee House, 227 Quail Street, Albany, NY 12203
A weekly open Mic for music, poetry, and spoken word at one of Albany’s best new coffee shops.


Friday, September 28

7:00pm – Between The Lines
Francesca’s Cafe, 461 Broadway, Troy, NY
A new monthly poetry open mic series hosted by Team Nitty Gritty member D. Colin as part of Troy Night Out. $5.00 donation requested. For more info email: poet.d.colin@gmail.com


Saturday, September 29

7:00pm – Inquiring Mind Bookstore
Inquiring Mind Bookstore, 66 Partition St., Saugerties, NY
An evening of poetry with Donald Lev, Patricia Martin, Dean Schambach, and Chris Wood hosted by Laura Ludwig

For a full listing of all of the poetry and spoken word events in the area, head over to the events calendar page.

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