Team Nitty Gritty Pre-NPS Slam Tour

NGS at Suffern Slam

NGS at Suffern Slam

This past Saturday Team Nitty Gritty headed south on the NYS Thruway to Rockland County to compete in the first ever  hud,SON! river regional slam (‘ cause poetry flows both ways) at Irelands 32 in Suffern. This was the first time that the team competed against other regional slam teams and guess what? Team Nitty Gritty came out on top!

It was an exciting night as four teams battled it out in a 4×4 Slam, showcasing some of the incredible talent that will be on stage in Charlotte in a couple of weeks at the National Poetry Slam. Joining the Nitty Gritty Slam were the slam teams from White Plains, Jesery City, and Asbury Park.

[pwaplusphp album=”HudsonRegionalPoetrySlamJuly72012″]

We then continued the tour on Wednesday, July 11 (Sorry Jill, we missed you in Saratoga) in Bridgeport, CT when we battled the “home team” representing Conneticut. In the end, the team of Baub, Midnight, Influence, and Hawk took the win by only 10 points over Elizag, Kevin Peterson, Algorythm, ILLiptical, and the returning CT native, D. Colin.

The Bridgeport audience at the Poetz Realm slam at the Bridgeport Innovation Center was definitely behind their hometown representatives, but the Team Nitty Gritty did not let that stop them from giving it our all in what was a great and inspiring night of poetry and competition.

Team Nitty Gritty comes home this coming Tuesday at Valentine’s for NGS #22. Be sure to come by to check out the slam as this will be the last poetry slam before we head down to Charlotte, NC.

Photo credits: Robert Cooper (

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