The “Jazz Or Bust” Tour – And Poetry, Too!

Our good friend and Albany poet (even though he lives in NYC now) Jason Crane is taking his amazing jazz interview show, The Jazz Session, on the road. He will be traveling throughout this great country interviewing musicians and reading his poetry along the way. Here is where he will be and how you can help Jason make this tour happen.
Jason Crane - Jazz or Bust

Jason Crane - Jazz or Bust

Our good friend and Albany poet (even though he lives in NYC now) Jason Crane is taking his amazing jazz interview show, The Jazz Session, on the road. He will be traveling throughout this great country interviewing musicians and reading his poetry along the way. Here is where he will be and how you can help Jason make this tour happen.

For more information on the show and tour, check out the website.


Starting June 1, 2012, I’m doing something fairly crazy and leaving NYC to take The Jazz Session on tour. I’ll be traveling through North America — and then maybe the rest of the world — conducting interviews and giving poetry readings. NPR’s A Blog Supreme did a story on the tour: “Crashing On Couches To Talk To Musicians.” And here’s a blog post by Patrick McCurry.

Here’s the itinerary so far:

June 1-2: Wilmington DE
June 3-5: State College PA
June 6: Shepherdstown WV (poetry reading TBA)
June 7-9: Washington DC
June 10-13: Richmond, VA (Poetry reading June 12 at 6 p.m. at Chop Suey Books
June 14-15: Charlottesville VA
June 16-18: Nashville, TN (Poetry reading June 17, 4 p.m. The Jazz Cave
Nashville Jazz Workshop, 1319 Adams St.)
Followed by: Durham NC — Asheville NC — Knoxville TN — Atlanta GA — Auburn AL — Tuscaloosa AL — Dothan AL — Jacksonville FL — New Orleans LA — then…? (dates TBD)


There are several ways for you to support my tour.

  1. I’ll be living off the income from the paying members of the show. You can become a member HERE.
  2. You can also make a one-time donation to the tour at various levels from $10 to $1,000. Just choose a level HEREand make your secure donation via PayPal. You don’t need a PayPal account to do this. And there are cool thank-you gifts, too!
  3. Suggest a place to go or a musician to interview.
  4. Give me a place to stay.
  5. Host a house party (any size) so I can read my poetry and maybe sell a book or two.
  6. Suggest a venue (bookstore, performance space) in your town where I could do a poetry reading.

To do any of the above (other than donate) send me an email at Initially, I’ll be traveling on the East Coast, but feel free to suggest places and offer me accommodations anywhere. Thank you!

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