Poem A Day – Jason Crane – hand movements / end of the universe

It’s National Poetry Writing Month! A poem a day, each day in April. This poem was made using one of Charles Bernstein’s experiments: Acrostic chance: Pick a book at random and use title as acrostic key phrase.
Jason Crane

Jason Crane

hand movements / end of the universe

them, yesterday afternoon. You hadn’t exactly gone out of your
hand movements
end of the universe

hand movements
It was to be called “The Ends of the Earth.”
them, yesterday afternoon. You hadn’t exactly gone out of your
hand movements
hand movements
It was to be called “The Ends of the Earth.”
end of the universe
remembered being angry, angry about something that
said, “You can’t win, you know. You

guide to the guide
usually claimed
It was to be called “The Ends of the Earth.”
end of the universe

them, yesterday afternoon. You hadn’t exactly gone out of your
out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the

them, yesterday afternoon. You hadn’t exactly gone out of your
hand movements
end of the universe

guide to the guide
a trilogy in four parts
Life, the
a trilogy in four parts
Janx Spirit, for my head will fly, my

25 April 2012
Brooklyn NY

/ / /

It’s National Poetry Writing Month! A poem a day, each day in April. This poem was made using one of Charles Bernstein’s experiments: Acrostic chance: Pick a book at random and use title as acrostic key phrase. For each letter of key phrase go to page number in book that corresponds (a=1, z=26) and copy as first line of poem from the first word that begins with that letter to end of line or sentence. Continue through all key letters, leaving stanza breaks to mark each new key word.


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