POEM: two turtles on a rock

two turtles on a rock a robin watching, feet just beneath the surface of this little pond in a corner of Prospect Park there’s a fallen-down half-sunken wooden fence overgrown with vines / a newer metal fence keeps everyone this close to nature but no closer the pond has a bend in it but it’s […]

two turtles on a rock

a robin watching, feet just beneath the surface
of this little pond in a corner of Prospect Park
there’s a fallen-down half-sunken wooden fence
overgrown with vines / a newer metal fence
keeps everyone this close to nature but no closer
the pond has a bend in it but it’s deceptive –
the water ends right there / no adventure awaits
at least not the kind we associate with rivers
now the robin is bathing, chest puffed out in hubris
until a third, smaller turtle swims up behind
convinces the bird there’s no shame in sunbathing
when I look up from writing that line, it’s gone

15 April 2012
Prospect Park

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It’s National Poetry Writing Month! A poem a day, each day in April.

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