Poets Speak Loud with featured poet Tenesha Smith

Tenesha Smith

Tenesha Smith

This coming Monday we return to the back room of McGeary’s for the February edition of Poets Speak Loud. This month our featured poet is Tenesha Smith, a familiar face in the poetry community as she has been performing for many years, recently at Urban Guerilla Theatre and Nitty Gritty Slam #11.

I’m from Oakland, Ca. I’ve been writing poetry since I was 11 years old. I am a member of Urban Guerilla Theatre. I graduated from The College of Saint Rose with a degree in Special Education and Childhood Education in the Spring of 2010.

Poets Speak Loud is Albany Poets’ monthly open mic for poetry and spoken word with a featured poet. This event is hosted by Mary Panza and held on the last Monday of each month at McGeary’s (4 Clinton Square, Albany) in downtown Albany. Sign-up for the open mic is 7:00pm, start time is 7:30pm.

Here is a sample of what you can expect on Monday night.

Steam rises
the mirror fogs
blurring my image
as I pull my hair into a ponytail
I notice the spider on the ceiling
crawling in a circle
around the light fixture
The cool tiles
beneath my feet
The heat
from the shower beckons
I step beneath the shower
water as hot as I can stand it
I inventory my body
arms, legs, torso
some would say that
my body
is desirable
would say
he owned it
I am dry bones
seeking water
I try to scrub away
bruising my arm
the stiffness in my neck
the soreness
between my thighs
I lift my face
to the spray
wash away
the lip gloss
that makes my swollen
bottom lip
I will myself to become
acquiring the
shape of what
contains me
The spider descends
on an invisible thread
I survive by adapting
My strength lies in my
Constantly running
folding the muscles of
my stomach
the jagged edges of
anxiety into pearls
I have always hated spiders
The temperature of the water
I turn off
the spray
I am solid
a woman
body wet
eyes dry
I catch the dangiling
spider in my hand
and squeeze
the little bastard
has to die
it had seen me

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