Dain Brammage

Dain Brammage

I am sitting here wondering how many people showed up at Valentines last Tuesday expecting to find the Nitty Gritty Slam happening.  We have a general audience in the range of 25 to 50 people each time, so maybe three did.  I know of at least one person who was confused by the three-week gap this go around.  He found out the scoop last Monday night at Poets Speak Loud when our own Kevin Peterson was featuring downtown at Mc Geary’s.

Well, confoundation aside, tomorrow night is the Nitty Gritty Slam at Valentines.  Sign-up starts at 7:00pm, open mic at 8:00, slam at 8:30, which is a guideline not a rule, it depends on when we get the judges lined up of course.  Looking forward to see you there, and bring friends, lots and lots of friends.

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