Post-Thanksgiving Poets Speak Loud featuring Kevin Peterson

Kevin Peterson

Kevin Peterson

After the turkey and fixin’s have been put away for good this year, come on down to McGeary’s on Monday, November 28, for the Poets Speak Loud open mic hosted by Mary Panza. This month our featured poet is Kevin Peterson, who has burst onto the scene in recent months with his witty and clever poems. He is also rocking a fantastic mustache for a good cause.

Kevin Peterson is the epitome of class. His rugged good looks and insatiable appetites have propelled him to the forefront of Albany’s largest poetry community. His timeless charm, irreverent wit and debonair devil-may-care attitude have won him the affection of tens of drunk girls, and the undying respect of his peers and elders. Kevin’s knack for and love of writing is surpassed only by his god-like abdominal region and perpetual tendency to crush any obstacle that is foolish enough to get in his way. He is currently unemployed and lives at home.

POETS SPEAK LOUD is a monthly open mic for poetry and spoken word with a featured poet. Previous featured poets include: Emily Gonzalez, The Poet Essence, Cheryl A. Rice, Michael Eck, Mother Judge, Rich Tomasulo, Alan Catlin, A.C. Everson, Jil Hanifan, Nicole Peyrafitte, R.M. Engelhardt, Dain Brammage, Amanda Rose, Josh McIntyre, Philip Levine, Rachael Zitomer, Pierre Joris, Will Nixon, Robert Milby, John Weiler, and Carol Graser. Every year in January Poets Speak Loud hold our annual Tom Nattell Tribute / Anniversary Open Mic / Beret Toss with special guest host Dan Wilcox.

POETS SPEAK LOUD is held on the last Monday of each month at McGeary’s (4 Clinton Square, Albany). Sign-up for the open mic starts at 7:00pm.

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