POEM: Orion on Prospect Avenue

Orion on Prospect Avenue sharp sword dangling from his belt swinging back and forth above the Chinese grocery the Middle Eastern restaurants the yarn shop with its scarves-to-be I’m walking up the hill wondering just how far away those stars are I know they’re not even near one another Orion is a picture people made […]
Jason Crane

Orion on Prospect Avenue

sharp sword dangling from his belt
swinging back and forth
above the Chinese grocery
the Middle Eastern restaurants
the yarn shop with its scarves-to-be

I’m walking up the hill wondering
just how far away those stars are
I know they’re not even near one another
Orion is a picture people made
from a story they invented

the cold, cloudless night
makes the hunter’s broad shoulders
stand out above the Catholic church
where tomorrow’s worshipers
will gather to hedge their bets

a little farther up the hill
is a three-story brick building
where rice is cooking and curry
with potatoes and carrots and onions
is bubbling on the stove

meanwhile the hunter stalks the avenue
in a city where people seldom look up at the sky

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