Poetry on the Web – Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter to welcome visitors to Dylan Thomas house (from BBC)
Former US President Jimmy Carter, a lifelong Dylan Thomas fan, is to lend his voice to welcome visitors to the poet’s Swansea birthplace. He will introduce a new audio-visual tour at No 5, Cwmdonkin Drive which has been restored by a couple who say they are “mad about Dylan’s writings”…


Poet Laureate Philip Levine talks labor, reads poetry in Gaston (from Georgetown Voice)
When 83-year-old Detroit-born poet Philip Levine spoke in Gaston Hall yesterday evening, the event was part of a the Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor’s “Labor Lab” series. Levine, who is currently serving as the United States’s Poet Laureate for 2011-2012, was chosen for this series because of the famous and compelling poetry he has written about his years spent working at various industrial jobs in Detroit…


Tiny gallery at Poets House features huge exhibit (from Downtown Express)
Jen Bervin, a poet, artist and teacher, who curated the exhibit said of Dickinson, “She was a force, an absolute force. There’s a vastness to her work that is comparable to how you might feel in an extraordinary landscape. It makes you feel very small and very humble in relation to it.”…


Former Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky Receives Lifetime Achievement Honor (from Here & Now)
Former poet laureate Robert Pinsky will receive a lifetime achievement award from the PEN writers group in California Tuesday night…

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