R.M. Engelhardt

Metroland Readers’ Poll, 2013

Imagine my surprise to wake Thursday AM to a message from Thom il papa Francis that Mary Panza, R.M. Engelhardt & I had won the top 3 spots in the

Writing Workshop

Some Calls For Your Poetry Submissions

We have gotten a couple calls for submissions for poetry in the past few days and wanted to pass the information along to you. First up is the first issue

Keith Spencer

Poets Speak Loud!, September 24

at McGeary’s Tavern on Clinton Square, especially when we are roasting el presidente of AlbanyPoets.com, Thom Francis, we are not only LOUD but out-fucking-rageous. Of course, led on by our host Mary Panza. But first she had to clear out the room o…

Third Annual Poets Speak Loud Celebrity Roast

On Monday , September 24, Poets Speak Loud will present our Third Annual Celebrity Roast! Break out the presidential BBQ sauce because this year the poet on the spit is