Nancy Klepsch

Mike Connor

Poetry + Prose: 2nd Sunday @ 2, May 12

This is just an open mic, no featured reader, held most months of the year at the Arts Center of the Capital Region on River St. in Troy, NY for


HVWG 2013 Short Fiction Contest

It’s time for the annual Hudson Valley Writers Guild writing contest. Last year was the contest for poetry, this year they are looking for your short fiction with a great

Poetry + Prose / 2nd Sunday @ 2, February 10

Nancy Klepsch was back as co-host with me, DWx, & a full list of open mic readers, some for the first time, some regulars.  George Guarino started us off with a hypnotic reading of his piece “What If,” setting the tone for the afternoon. …

Poetry + Prose, September 9

or as we like to call it 2nd Sunday at 2, into our 3rd year! Me & Nancy Klepsch (your hosts) & the fine collection of writers who show up to read. Nancy started us off with a poem she had just written, “Welcome,” & what better plac…