David Wolcott

Poetry + Prose: 2nd Sunday @ 2, June 9

A day of parades, the Pride Parade in Albany, & the Flag Day Parade in Troy where this reading happened in spite of it all. Nancy Klepsch & me, DWx,

Thom Francis

WordFest 2013, Day 6: Open Mic, April 19

Way back in ancient times (i.e., 12 years ago) when Word Fest started, it was just a stumbing toddler in Thatcher Park in the Fall, a grand open mic of

Poetry + Prose / 2nd Sunday @ 2, February 10

Nancy Klepsch was back as co-host with me, DWx, & a full list of open mic readers, some for the first time, some regulars.  George Guarino started us off with a hypnotic reading of his piece “What If,” setting the tone for the afternoon. …

Poetry + Prose, September 9

or as we like to call it 2nd Sunday at 2, into our 3rd year! Me & Nancy Klepsch (your hosts) & the fine collection of writers who show up to read. Nancy started us off with a poem she had just written, “Welcome,” & what better plac…

Tim Verhaegen

Poetry + Prose Open Mic, June 10

The final gathering of the season, before we take a teacherly break during July & August, on a Summer-like day of 2 parades — Albany’s Gay Pride Parade & Troy’s Flag-Day Parade, you might say Albany knocked the “L” out of Troy’s parade.It was …

Mary McCarthy

Poetry + Prose Open Mic, April 1

The confusion over when this was to be held wasn’t an “April Fools” joke: this open mic is (usually) held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at the Arts Center of the Capital Region, in Troy, NY. But this year Easter falls on the 2nd Sunday, so this was…

Poetry + Prose Open Mic, March 11

I am pleased to co-host (with Nancy Klepsch) this monthly free event at the Arts Center of the Capital Region. A number of us had just been here the day before to participate in the Write Here! Writers Conference sponsored by the Arts Center & the…

Poetry and Prose at The Arts Center

Poetry + Prose, February 12

The second Sunday at 2 reading at the Arts Center of the Capital District in Troy, NY, with tag-team hosts Nancy Klepsch & me, Dan Wilcox. It was an eclectic mix of writers (which, of course, was the intent when the Arts Center started this open m…