Next Year’s Words with Melanie Klein, Leslie Gerber, and Nirmala Nataraj,
Next Year’s Words a New Paltz Reading Forum, finally welcomes spring with three extraordinary poets, Melanie Klein, Leslie Gerber, and Nirmala Nataraj, on Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. via ZOOM.
With subtlety and precision, poet and sculptor Melanie Klein presents multiple events operating within the poem’s framework simultaneously. People and physical objects can be led to feel as unstable in their identities as those who populate Ovid’s world.
Leslie Gerber worked for a long time reviewing and broadcasting classical music and is a fixture in the Hudson Valley literary scene. His acute powers of observation and deep empathy light up the world he encounters wherever he finds himself.
Nirmala Nataraj describes herself as a “multi-genre collaborator and creative facilitator, (who) believes in (finding) generative solutions in the midst of chaos.” A child of immigrants who works with movement, guided visualization, and “creative writing from unexpected prompts”.
There will be an open mic.
For more information, email readandlisten@npnextyearswords.org or npnextyearswords@gmail.com.
Supported by Wallkill Valley Writers and the SUNY New Paltz Department of English.