Housewife Tuesday – Mary Sally’s Line
Yesterday, the Panza family welcomed a new baby. As Mary says, “We are happy and healthy and have one more. We go forward.”
Dive deep into the world of Mary Panza in the Housewife Tuesday blog where she breaks down life, love, motherhood, and writing.
Yesterday, the Panza family welcomed a new baby. As Mary says, “We are happy and healthy and have one more. We go forward.”
In this edition of Housewife Tuesday, Mary looks back at some of the people in her life, especially Sam, who helped make her who she is today.
Mary never understood what deconstruction meant in terms of a person’s psyche until she had her daughter. This week she rolled up her sleeves and dug deep.
Mary Panza reaches that point when her daughter is ready to use the same words she has been using for years…
It’s that special time when Mary Panza has to explain a few things about being a woman to her daughter.
This year there is no birth story. Instead Mary’s brother Joey will tell the second story always told on her birthday – how he almost lost Mary.
Housewife Tuesday – I Almost Lost My Baby Sister Read More »
Mary Panza recently went to dog court and she is here to help guide you through the process of getting through Albany City Hall.
On Wednesday, August 24th 2011, I was sitting on my back stoop. It was a beautiful day. Sun was out and there wasn’t too much humidity yet. I can remember
In a 12 step program the first step is admitting you are powerless over your addiction. Mary Panza is powerless and this week she comes clean.
It’s a phrase that Mary says to her daughter all the time, starting when she was in the temper tantrum phase. Now it takes on a whole new meaning.
Housewife Tuesday – You Are Embarrassing Yourself Read More »
Mary Panza hasn’t written anything in a few weeks because she had nothing to say, that is, until last Friday. Here is was what happened.
After explaining why she cooks for the people in her life, Mary Panza lists her five favorite food movies and why she loves them so.
Housewife Tuesday – Ah, How You Will Delight The Angels Read More »