Nitty Gritty Slam #9, January 3
Like a punch-drunk fighter I keep going back for more, & signed up once again for the Slam. There were just 8 of us, so I was in. But first the open mic, which was worth the price of admission.
Poet, Peace Activist — Host of the Third Thursday Poetry Night at the Social Justice Center in Albany NY, member of 3 Guys from Albany, & photographer who has “the world’s largest collection of photos of unknown poets.” Active member of Veterans for Peace. For listings of upcoming poetry events see the calendar on & on www.poetz/hudson.
Like a punch-drunk fighter I keep going back for more, & signed up once again for the Slam. There were just 8 of us, so I was in. But first the open mic, which was worth the price of admission.
Attentive Wait Staff at McGeary’sBack in the backroom of McGeary’s, Clinton Square, Albany, NY, on the last Monday of December or, as our host, Mary Panza, characterized it, “the post-holiday hangover edition.” She herself was treating the disorder wi…
Once again I went down to Valentine’s, hoping for a slot in the Slam (&, of course, hoping to make it at least to the second round). But first an interesting open mic, where folks seem to do real poems, rather than just perform. Mojavi was the ho…
Actually on the third Sunday this month (otherwise it would have been on Christmas Day), with its usual gathering of fine regional poets & a featured poet (Cheryl A. Rice), & a special surprise for me. Co-hosts were Edie Abrams & Denn…
I don’t usually “allow” guitar players at my poetry open mic, having in the past been too often the ugly-stepchild-of-poetry at music open mics, but tonight I had to make an exception because the unique poetry-performance duo Murrow was the featured performer.
Our cozy host, Don Levy, welcomed a tidy audience for the monthly open mic on the 2nd Wednesday — and it really was, even if the third Thursday was the next day, ah the shifting calendar.But first the featured poet, Barbara Ungar, read, not from her…
After a miserable drive up on the Northway (heavy rain & traffic), at least there was a nice dinner with “the ladies” at Ravenous, then on to the open mic, for a respectable crowd in spite of the weather.
Judge & Score Keepers Adding it UpAs the most documented reading in Albany (or elsewhere) my comments are a bit superfluous, but then no one else has my opinions (or cares about them for that matter). Plus I got there late.Poetyc Vyzonz was just c…
as we often do. & as usual on the Last Monday at McGeary’s Mary Panza was the whip-cracking host. Before the featured poet, we dove into the open mic, a sea of poets tonight.I started it off with an old poem, “Belle du Jour,” that mentions Ted Ad…
Once again we gathered at the Old Songs Community Center in Voorheesville on a 4th Sunday for poetry. As the old song says, “… & the usual crowd was there” (& a few others). Mike Burke adeptly handled the duties as host with an insightful …
at the Social Justice Center in Albany, NY. This month’s gathering was blessed by the Muse, Langston Hughes. I read his poem “Let America Be America Again,” which could’ve been written this morning down at the Occupy Albany site; it was first publish…
I missed the last couple of the Slam events here at Valentines but came back on an interesting night. First of all there were more people here, even just to watch (& thus more potential judges, though most declined), & there were more people s…