Area Announcements

Murderous March

Announcing the details of MURDEROUS MARCH a mystery conference OPEN TO THE PUBLIC – READERS AND WRITERS ALIKE sponsored by my Sisters in Crime Chapter – The Upper Hudson Chapter of SinC aka the Mavens of Mayhem.

Colrain Poetry Manuscript Conference

The Colrain One-Day Retreat will be held on Saturday, March 21 and will explore these questions as well as all aspects of manuscript building, from planning a project to the mechanics of completing and submitting a manuscript.

Poetry Motel - Wendy Brown - October 2012, 2004

Capital Region Poets Workshop with Gary Maggio

Poet, actor and teacher Gary Maggio is accepting submissions of poetry for a Capital Region Poets Workshop he will facilitate, co-sponsored and supported by the New York State Writers Institute.

Area Authors Featured in New Anthology

Four Capital Region writers are among the contributors to the newly released anthology of personal essays and poetry, “What Remains: The Many Ways We Say Goodbye”.