30 days . . . 30 poets . . . 30 poems
The Rensselaerville Library’s Fifth Annual Online Celebration of National Poetry Month showcases a new poem by a local or not-so-local poet each day for April’s 30 days.
The Rensselaerville Library’s Fifth Annual Online Celebration of National Poetry Month showcases a new poem by a local or not-so-local poet each day for April’s 30 days.
The Odyssey Writing Workshop, one of the top workshops in the world for writers of fantasy, science fiction, and horror, announced today that it would be holding its summer 2021 workshop online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Save the Date for Murderous March 2021, A FREE Virtual Experience for mystery authors, unpublished authors, and mystery fans.
Whether you’re writing a humor column or novel, putting together a stand-up routine, scribbling a sitcom script or screenplay, crafting silly songs, drafting a storyboard, or writing a query letter, this conference can help.
Spencertown Academy Arts Center presents “Writing from the Right Side of the Brain” with internationally published author Jamie Cat Callan.
Writers in the Mountains (WIM) presents The Animals in Our Lives, a six-week poetry workshop with Lynn Domina, April 5 – May 10, 2021.
A light at the end of the tunnel? Come for your monthly shot of poetry on Zoom Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 7:30 pm.
The New York State Writers Institute announced Thursday the “Rebuilding the Republic” series, a months-long array of events addressing many urgent issues we face today — including the threat of political insurrection, racist violence, economic inequity, and social strife — and the prospect of emerging a better nation from adversity.
Caffe Lena Poetry Night Live Stream on Wednesday, February 3 with David Graham, Lucyna Prostko, and Kathleen McCoy.
Bring in the Spring with a new look at your manuscript! Join the experts April 16-19 or June 4-7 for Colrain on Zoom.
So we have another impeachment to write about. Or maybe we can brush off an older poem. Or… Hey, we can write about anything we want!
Writers in the Mountains (WIM) presents Amplify and Magnify: Using Braided Form to Make Your Work Bigger, a six-week long workshop with Melissa Holbrook Pierson, February 25 – April 1, 2021.
The Hudson Valley Writers Guild supports the efforts of writers in all genres by sponsoring readings, workshops, and contests and providing a number of valuable resources for the entire literary community.