Call for Submissions: HVWG Anthology

The Hudson Valley Writers Guild seeks submissions from its members for an anthology to showcase writers in the region.

The Hudson Valley Writers Guild seeks submissions from its members for an anthology to showcase writers in the region. We hope to represent a wide variety of people and genres for a general readership.

DEADLINE for SUBMISSION: October 1, 2019

SUBMIT via [email protected] with your submission in doc/docx/rtf format, accompanied by an email detailing your name, contact information and a 30 word biography. In the subject line, put ‘Submission [Last name] [‘Title’] [(Genre)]’ filling in the appropriate information in brackets.


  • This anthology is intended for a general audience.
  • Submission does not guarantee publication. While the anthology is open to all members of HVWG, being a member does not automatically ensure acceptance. Our editors will make the final decisions.
  • Please send only previously unpublished work that is not under consideration by any other publication.
  • The editors will do basic copyediting for typos, spelling, grammar & usage, and syntax. Any major revisions will be discussed with the author for final approval
  • Submission implies permission for HVWG to publish your work in an anthology (collective works) “Work” is defined as the author’s own contribution, not the anthology as a whole
  • HVWG will retain rights to have the published material reproduced, distributed and sold in print or electronic text. HVWG should be credited as the point of original publication.
  • We request the right to post (on our website) anything we publish
  • The anthology as a collective work belongs to the anthology publisher
  • All rights to the work shall revert to the author six months after publication


  • Up to 3500 words prose or 3 poems (anything over this word limit will not be considered)
  • Times New Roman 12 point font
  • 1” margins
  • No tabs (use formatting for indents)
  • Double spaced

We aim to publish the anthology Winter 2019-20 (barring the unforeseen circumstances that are always part of an all-volunteer organization). The anthology will be available for sale at HVWG events and authors will be able to purchase a copy at a discount. While the Guild will underwrite the cost of editing and publishing, it will not be able to pay for submissions.

About the author: Thom Francis
Thom Francis has been organizing, promoting, and hosting open mics and poetry / spoken word events in Albany such as Nitty Gritty Slam, School of Night, Albany Poets Presents..., and the Albany Word Fest for over 20 years. As a poet and performer, Thom has been featured at many of the upstate poetry and spoken word events from Saratoga to Woodstock as well as LarkFest, Art on Lark, 1st Friday, and the Albany Word Fest.
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