The Hudson Valley Writers Guild seeks submissions from its members for an anthology to showcase writers in the region. We hope to represent a wide variety of people and genres for a general readership.
DEADLINE for SUBMISSION: October 1, 2019
SUBMIT via [email protected] with your submission in doc/docx/rtf format, accompanied by an email detailing your name, contact information and a 30 word biography. In the subject line, put ‘Submission [Last name] [‘Title’] [(Genre)]’ filling in the appropriate information in brackets.
- This anthology is intended for a general audience.
- Submission does not guarantee publication. While the anthology is open to all members of HVWG, being a member does not automatically ensure acceptance. Our editors will make the final decisions.
- Please send only previously unpublished work that is not under consideration by any other publication.
- The editors will do basic copyediting for typos, spelling, grammar & usage, and syntax. Any major revisions will be discussed with the author for final approval
- Submission implies permission for HVWG to publish your work in an anthology (collective works) “Work” is defined as the author’s own contribution, not the anthology as a whole
- HVWG will retain rights to have the published material reproduced, distributed and sold in print or electronic text. HVWG should be credited as the point of original publication.
- We request the right to post (on our website) anything we publish
- The anthology as a collective work belongs to the anthology publisher
- All rights to the work shall revert to the author six months after publication
- Up to 3500 words prose or 3 poems (anything over this word limit will not be considered)
- Times New Roman 12 point font
- 1” margins
- No tabs (use formatting for indents)
- Double spaced
We aim to publish the anthology Winter 2019-20 (barring the unforeseen circumstances that are always part of an all-volunteer organization). The anthology will be available for sale at HVWG events and authors will be able to purchase a copy at a discount. While the Guild will underwrite the cost of editing and publishing, it will not be able to pay for submissions.