Three Poems – Rose Marie LaPietra

Three poems from poet, writer, and Capital Region native Rose Marie LaPietra, whose collection of poetry “So what if maybe” was published in 2023.
Rose Marie LaPietra


You have so much love to give
and you’re not afraid to share it
you’re selective
but I’m certain
one day
you’ll allow yourself to receive it
you know what you’re praying on
maybe more than most people do
there’s nothing wrong with you
there’s nothing wrong with you
you know how to love
you have so much love to give
your time will come
there’s nothing wrong with you
there’s nothing wrong with [ me ]



There was a time I tried convincing myself this life was black and white
I believed my uncertainty was a burden I was destined to overcome
I thought maybe, maybe if I kept running
one day it’ll all make sense
all the things I loved
in a box
saved for the one special moment
that one special day
when all the things I didn’t know
finally added up
and I realized
this life wasn’t built to know it all
rather the gift you may ask
was there all along

it is the unknown that motivated me to open my eyes
all the things I didn’t understand
were all the things that led me to where I am

you are your own guide

with your own aspirations and whole-hearted essence to be you

lean into the thing you don’t know

this life
our emotions
they are a constant ebb and flow

we were never meant to stay the same

whether our questions are left unsaid or unanswered
has never been the purpose of this game

after all
the world in color
is even more beautiful
what is
my own
broken glass



Believe me
I wish there was something I could say
something I could do
to help soothe your heartache

for now
I hope you
lean on to the love that surrounds you
embrace each sprinkle of joy that finds you
this may be your biggest feat
so at the very least
if nothing else at all…

I hope you find solace in the bittersweet


Rose Marie LaPietra grew up in the capital region of New York, with her mom, dad, and older sister. She has a bachelor’s in psychology from the University at Brockport and has found comfort in writing since middle school. Rose self-published her first poetry book “So what if maybe” in 2023. She also enjoys, reading, playing basketball, the ocean, and traveling to new places.


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