The Journal Circle with Anique Sara Taylor

Writers in the Mountains presents The Journal Circle with Anique Sara Taylor, a weekly online class open to writers and non-writers.
Anique Sara Taylor

Writers in the Mountains (WIM) presents The Journal Circle with Anique Sara Taylor, a weekly online class held on Thursdays from 6 to 8 pm ET, beginning September 5, 2024, open to writers and non-writers.

No matter what your purpose –– to strengthen your craft of writing, deepen memoir and goals, or carve out new developments in areas that matter in your life, journals can open doors. Through free writing, exercises, lists, prompts, questions, we’ll examine exciting techniques to hone your practice. We’ll study methods for exploration and self-enrichment, accountability and support. We’ll learn to use journals to organize, dream, pursue creative excellence. Join us in a group in order to enhance your time writing alone. Drop in weekly, monthly, whenever you wish, or commit to longer periods of time. Join us in the magical space of journal work. Connect with the powerful tool a journal workshop can be. You can write with pen and paper, phone, tablet, typewriter or your computer.

An award-winning poet and artist, Anique Sara Taylor has taught Creative Writing Workshops for over a decade. Along with formal studies in Literature (Drew University MFA, The Sorbonne – Diplôme, Antioch College) and advanced degrees in Art (Pratt Graduate School MFA, Pratt Institute, BFA Highest Honors, Cooper Union, Silvermine College of Art, AFA), Anique Sara Taylor holds a Masters of Divinity Degree. Bringing the depth and passion for poetry, art and psychology to her Journal Workshops, students learn exciting enrichment tools for writing, skill development, memoir and personal growth through the art of writing. Experience thrilling prompts to fire your creativity and self-connection.

To register for this class, e-mail To register online, visit Class fee is $15 per session or $50 per month. Registration deadline is the Tuesday before the class starts.

Writers in the Mountains is a 501 ( c ) (3) not-for-profit organization with a mission to provide a nurturing environment for the practice, appreciation and sharing of creative writing. For more information, visit

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