“Think Like an Editor” with Ellen Santasiero

Ellen Santasiero will present a workshop on what editors look for when reading a manuscript at the Howe Branch of the Albany Public Library on Tuesday, February 13, at 2:00 pm.
Ellen Santasiero

Ellen Santasiero will present a workshop on what editors look for when reading a manuscript at the Howe Branch of the Albany Public Library on Tuesday, February 13, at 2:00 pm.

Learn what an editor looks for when they read a manuscript. Freelance editor Ellen Santasiero will discuss genre, narrative structure, the elements of “good writing,” the difference between developmental editing and line editing, and formatting. Thinking like an editor can help writers save time and produce polished manuscripts that can compete in the literary marketplace. The first five people who register and attend will get free feedback on two pages (double-spaced) of writing.

Ellen Santasiero taught literature and writing at Oregon State University-Cascades from 2007-2021 and currently teaches at The Forge, a 10-month online creative writing program she co-founded in 2021. Ellen’s writing has appeared in The Sun, Bull Men’s Fiction, Dorothy Parker’s Ashes, Northwest Review, Oregon HumanitiesHigh Desert Journal, and in Going Green, an anthology from the University of Oklahoma Press. In 2023, she was a featured poet at an ekphrastic reading at the Hyde Museum in Glens Falls, New York. With Irene Cooper she co-edited PLACED: An Encyclopedia of Central Oregon, Vol. 1. Ellen teaches writing classes at Warren County Historical Society, Crandall Library, SUNY Adirondack Continuing Education, and online at the Adirondack Center for Writing. She also works as a freelance editor, writing coach, and literary instigator in upstate New York.

About the author: Hudson Valley Writers Guild
The Hudson Valley Writers Guild supports the efforts of writers in all genres by sponsoring readings, workshops and contests and providing a number of valuable resources for the entire literary community.
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