Publication Nuts and Bolts with Melissa Holbrook Pierson

Writers in the Mountains presents a two-day intensive online workshop with author, critic, essayist, and editor Melissa Holbrook Pierson.
Melissa Holbrook Pierson

Writers in the Mountains (WIM) presents Publication Nuts and Bolts with Melissa Holbrook Pierson, a two-day intensive held online Saturday, January 21 and 28, 2023, from to 11 am to 1 pm. Once you register and pay, you will be given instructions on how to join the class.

You have a great idea – for a story, an essay, a book. Now what?

It seems daunting at first to imagine an amorphous thought becoming a finished work in front of readers. Everything that’s published, whether fiction or nonfiction or any genre in between, goes through the same essential process. And every step engenders new questions. In this intensive we’ll demystify the process. Among the steps from idea to publication we will explore: narrowing down/identifying the kind of idea that will sell or become your work’s heart; making notes/conducting and corralling research/outlining structure; writing a proposal or pitch letter; looking for an agent, editor, or literary publication to which to submit – and what to expect during this phase of the process.

Bring your ideas and questions, half-formed plans, and dilemmas. We’ll discuss the two parts of the writing journey: the one between you and the page, and the one between your finished work and the audience you want to reach. No matter where you are – or where you feel stuck – there’s a way to take the next step.

Melissa Holbrook Pierson is the author of five books, including The Place You Love Is Gone and The Perfect Vehicle. A freelance book critic, essayist, and editor, she has taught writing at the Cape Cod Writers Conference and Gotham Writers’ Workshop. She has an MA in English Literature from Columbia University and is a submissions reader for the literary magazine The Common. Her website is

To register, e-mail To register online, visit The class fee is $45. Limited to ten students.

Writers in the Mountains is a 501 ( c ) (3) not-for-profit organization with a mission to provide a nurturing environment for the practice, appreciation, and sharing of creative writing. Learn more at

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