Episode 21: Austin Houston Live at The Linda

On this episode of the podcast, we feature Austin Houston who was one of the poets who performed Live at The Linda on December 17th, 2021.
Austin Houston Live at The Linda

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On this episode, we are featuring poet Austin Houston who was one of the spoken word artists who graced the stage Live at The Linda on December 17th, 2021.

Austin Houston was born and raised in Albany and has been writing poetry for over a decade. During the Coronavirus pandemic lockdown, Auston was inspired to write and publish his very first collection of poetry, Existence: Chaos In Our Own Backyard, which is available on Amazon.

Dan Wilcox notes on his blog about Siena’s reading:

Austin Houston published a slim book of poems in early 2021 Existence: Chaos in Our Own Backyard. Tonight he read what he described as “a timeline from 2021” beginning with a piece on Donald Trump, the former President, & the January 6 riot he instigated.  Another piece from the year began, “Forgive? I’m just depressed…” He also read a poem/letter addressed to a young friend who died in a motorcycle accident. Indeed, on a national level & on a personal level, it has been a tough year.

Thank you!

Thank you for listening to Next Up to The Mic. We couldn’t do it without the very generous supporters of local literary arts. If you would like to support this or other HVWG projects, please go to hvwg.org/donate. And if you are a business and want to sponsor this podcast, send an email to info@hvwg.org.


Music Credit

Our theme music is “Sorry” by Comfort Fit.



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