Random Writing Workshop Series at Poetry Barn

Cheryl A. Rice announces her brand new writing workshop series – “Random Writing: A Poetry Workshop for New & Used Poets” – at the Poetry Barn. 
Cheryl A. Rice reading at the UAG Gallery on Lark Street

Cheryl A. Rice announces her brand new writing workshop series – “Random Writing: A Poetry Workshop for New & Used Poets” – at the Poetry Barn.

This workshop series will take place from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on July 7, 14, 21, and 28, at The Poetry Barn (1693 State Route 28A, West Hurley, NY 12491)  The cost for all four sessions is just $150.

The Random Writing workshop contains four primary elements to “grow your poetry” and encourage satisfying progress: Inspiration, Word Play, Text Play, and Peer Response.

  • Inspiration includes “hot button” prompts drawn from such diverse sources as the supermarket, Ringling Bros. circus, and our own pockets.
  • Word Play means dictionary thumb-throughs, experimenting with traditional and modern poetry forms, and even dusting off those old poetry magnet kits hiding under the shopping list on the fridge.
  • Text Deconstruction uses tape, scissors, and fingers to cut, tear, and reassemble pieces of first drafts to reveal accidental phrases that enhance the current work, or become the seeds of new poems.
  • Peer Response is spontaneous feedback to works-in-progress that lets the poet know what others are hearing, and understand whether or not their intended message or impact is succeeding.

Whether you’ve been writing your whole life, or would like to dip your toes into the poetic pool for the very first time, there is something in this workshop for everyone.

Click for for more information and to register for this workshop.

Long Islander by birth, Cheryl A. Rice has called New York’s Hudson Valley home for almost forty years. Rice has been active in the Stone Ridge Poetry Society, Calling All Poets, and the Poetry Society of Woodstock. A frequent feature at venues from Manhattan to Albany, she is founder/host of the now-defunct Sylvia Plath Bake-Off, from 1993 to 2002. Publications include Until The Words Came (2019: Post Traumatic Press), Moses Parts the Tulips (2013: APD Press), and My Minnesota Boyhood (2012: Post Traumatic Press). Rice took First Prize in the 2016 Stephen A. DiBiase Poetry Prize. Her blog is at http://flyingmonkeyprods.blogspot.com/.

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