Writers in the Mountains (WIM) presents Mini-Essays and Short Stories, a six-week long workshop with Jane Seitel, January 25 – March 1, 2021. The class will be held online Mondays, from 10 am to 12 noon. Once they register and pay, participants will be given instructions on how to join the class.
Mini, micro, flash, personal essays and short shorts may be small, but they’re mighty! Whether you choose to write fiction or nonfiction, the way you express yourself can be crafted into a literary jewel you can pass down to preserve family history, or hone for publication. In class we’ll consider possible enhancements to your pieces, how to make the words sparkle. We’ll read and discuss stellar examples which show the craft. We’ll work on mini warm-up exercises in class that you can use to start your piece at home. We’ll share our new efforts in a nurturing place. We’ll offer appreciations and insights. We’ll suggest possibilities to enhance your essays and stories. By the end of our time together, you’ll have polished work that will delight you.
Jane Seitel is an Expressive Arts Therapist, writer and teacher, living in Apex, North Carolina. She currently teaches writing and literature courses at The Osher Institute at Duke University, in person and online. She received her MFA in Poetry from Drew University, her MEd from Lesley University and her BA in English (Magna Cum Laude) from the University of Miami, FL. She teaches literature as well as writing in her classes. She loves to teach Mixed Genre classes because individual choice of form allows the student to more fully enjoy and engage in the process of writing and revision. She personally uses writing as both a meditation practice and a honed craft. Her awards include The Charlotte Newberger Prize (Lilith Magazine) and awards from national and international publications including Voices Israel, Kakalak, So To Speak, The Orison Review and others. Her creative non-fiction and poetry have been included in Prairie Schooner, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Split This Rock, Bird’s Thumb, The Florida Review, Midstream, Minerva Rising, The Stillwater Review, Poetica, as well as several anthologies. She works for environmental protection and animal preservation. In her youth, she enjoyed many an enchanted summer in the Catskills.
To register, e-mail [email protected]. To register online, visit writersinthemountains.org. Class fee is $100, if you register and pay by January 4, and $125 after that.
Writers in the Mountains is a 501 ( c ) (3) not-for-profit organization with a mission to provide a nurturing environment for the practice, appreciation and sharing of creative writing. Learn more at writersinthemountains.org.