Creative Nonfiction Fall with Anique Sara Taylor

Writers in the Mountains (WIM) announces its fall Creative Nonfiction workshop with Anique Sara Taylor, September 17, 2020 to January 14, 2021.

Writers in the Mountains (WIM) announces its fall Creative Nonfiction workshop with Anique Sara Taylor, September 17, 2020 to January 14, 2021. The class will be held online Thursdays, 9 to 11 am. Once they register and pay, participants will be given instructions on how to join the class.

In a college-like semester packed with excitement and growth, this extended class will offer writers possibilities for deepening their craft, group support and continuing work on long projects. With a preference for exploring memory, risk, danger, dreams, different versions of reality and deeper connection with self, the class will explore personal essay, memoir, journal work, writing for ourselves and for publication.

Class exercises will familiarize students with techniques of poetry, fiction, playwriting to provide tools to hone their work. Classes will include free-writing, exploratory exercises, supportive feedback on students’ writing, along with discussions on short works by famous authors (nonfiction essays, stories and memoir, along with essays on craft and the writer’s life). Between classes, assigned reading, exercises and work suggestions will be emailed to students.

All welcome, students with long projects, short projects and those who want to take it week by week. All levels welcome.

Anique Sara Taylor’s full-length poetry book Where Space Bends was released in May 2020 with Finishing Line Press. She holds a Poetry MFA (Drew University), a Diplôme (The Sorbonne), a Painting BFA (Highest Honors/Pratt) and Drawing MFA (Pratt Institute). Her work has appeared in Rattle, Common Ground Review, Adanna, Stillwater Review, Earth’s Daughters, The World (St. Mark’s Poetry Project), The National Poetry Magazine of the Lower East Side among others. Her chapbook Poems is published by Unimproved Editions Press. She’s co-authored works for HBO, Scholastic, Simon & Schuster and a three-act play that was performed by Playwrights Horizons and Williamstown Theatre Festival. In 2014 her chapbook was chosen Finalist by both Minerva Rising and Blue Light Press’ 2014 Chapbook Competitions. In 2015 her next book Under the Ice Moon was chosen a Finalist by Blue Light Press’ Chapbook Competition. Her work has appeared in several anthologies: The Lake Rises (Stockport Flats Press), Pain and Memory (Editions Bibliotekos, Inc.), Veils, Halos and Shackles: International Poetry on the Oppression and Empowerment of Women (Kasva Press). An award-winning artist, Taylor’s art has been featured in numerous galleries including The Bruce Museum, CT, The Monmouth Museum, NJ, The Noyes Museum, NJ, The Puffin Foundation, NJ, The Cork Gallery at Avery Fisher Hall, NYC, The Bronfman Center Gallery, NYC. She teaches/taught Creative Writing for Benedictine Hospital’s Oncology Support Program, Bard LLI and Writers in the Mountains. Her website is

To register, e-mail To register online, visit Class fee is $220.

Writers in the Mountains is a 501 ( c ) (3) not-for-profit organization with a mission to provide a nurturing environment for the practice, appreciation and sharing of creative writing. Learn more at

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