Arthur’s Market Open Mic Featuring Scot Morehouse

Arthur’s Poetry Open-Mic on Wednesday, October 10, 2018 (2nd Wednesday of each month) with featured poet Scot Morehouse.

Arthurs MarketArthur’s Poetry Open-Mic on Wednesday, October 10, 2018 (2nd Wednesday of each month) with featured poet Scot Morehouse.

Scot Morehouse – an artist who began writing poetry at age 70 in 2017. He is attracted to the eccentric and quirky, and feels that there is an abundance of subject matter to be found in the present surreal state of human activity. He considers much of his work vignettes of human folly, and in his spare time enjoys worrying.

Note – Scot is presently the assistant director and stage manager for a production of “The Madwoman of Chaillot” at Schenectady Community Players (SCP) but will play hooky from that project to emote on the 10th.

Beverages & food available on the premises!

Hosted by Jackie Craven

Sign-up begins 7:00, readings begin 7:30 at Arthur’s Market & Cafe, 35 N.Ferry Street, Schenectady, NY 12305.

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